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Automotive Bedding Flexible Foams Insulation Recticel
Descripción de la empresa
Under the motto A passion for comfort, Recticel, as a manufacturer of polyurethane foam products, strives to make a real difference to daily comfort for all. The Group, as a unique whole, concentrates on four selected fields of application: Flexible foams, Bedding, Insulation and Automotive. Although the Group mainly produces semi-finished products (Flexible foams and Automotive), in a number of divisions it also manufactures finished goods, both consumables and durables (Bedding and Insulation). Within the Bedding division, mattresses and slat bases are sold mainly under well-known brand names (including Beka, Epeda, Lattoflex, Literie Bultex, Schlaraffia, Sembella, Superba, Swissflex, etc.). The Insulation division supplies high-quality finished thermal insulation products, which can be used directly in building projects. In addition, Recticel attaches great importance to innovation and technological progress, one of the results of which has been a revolutionary breakthrough among the giants of the automotive industry. The Group’s various products are therefore used and processed in ever growing numbers of new and existing applications. As market leader in most of its activities, Recticel currently provides work for a total of 11,590 employees in 130 establishments in 27 countries. The Group operates predominantly throughout Europe, but it also pursues a number of activities in the United States and Asia. Recticel aims to achieve sustainable, balanced added value and steady, profitable growth for the benefit of its customers and its shareholders.