Datos de contacto
Palabras clave
Basket Bending Cables Tailor Made Certifications Control Copper Energy Enviromental Fiber-Optic Flexibility Ftth Fttx Italia Italy Monospiral Moving Applications Multi-Spiral Reeling Offshore Oil & Gas Cables On-Shore Platforms Power Radius Reeling Cables Signalling Spain Special Cables Tailor Made Tratos Tratos Cables Tratos Cavi Uk
Descripción de la empresa
Tratos Cavi Spa is one of the major European manufacturer of Electrical, Electronic and Fibre Optic cables. Our major clients include electrical contracting and manufacturing organisations, regional electricity distribution and government departments.
Our product range includes single and multi conductor High Temperature, Fire Resistant, Low Smoke & Fume, Rubber, Energy Cables from Low Voltages up to 360 kV,Railway, Motorway, Data, Fibre Optic, Oil & Gas, Plants & Petrochemical industry, Mining & Tunnelling, Shipwiring, Drum Reeling and Telecommunications. As well as Cathodic Protection, Airfield Lighting, Composite and bespoke cables, Cranes & Mobile Equipment, Trains, Transportation Infrastructure, Submarine, Military and Defence cables, special cables (Composite cables, Inverter cables, ect.) and cables for special solution (Hazardous environment, Mud Resistant Cables, ect.).